Clinical Accelerators - Prominence

Clinical Accelerators

Understand your organization’s clinical operations, from Vaccine Management to OR Utilization and everything in between.

Access combined data from multiple platforms in real-time.

Surgical Services

In just 4-5 weeks, gain access to combined data from your EHR and supply chain, finance, and staff data for a comprehensive view not possible in other tools. Immediately see ROI with actionable insights that result in:

  • $250k in savings and revenue gain
  • 2,000+ in analyst time
  • 10%+ increase in utilization

OR Utilization

Deliver actionable information to those who need it, when they need it. Our OR Utilization Accelerator optimizes OR access, strategically grows case volumes, and automates the delivery of actionable insights, resulting in:

  • $10M+ Additional revenue opportunity per facility
  • 10%+ Increase in block and room utilization
  • 2,000+ Hours of manual work eliminated each year

COVID-19 Vaccine Management

Manage the effective distribution of COVID-19 and influenza vaccines with combined information from employee health records, supply chain, and EHR.

In less than a month, this Accelerator will go live and:

  • Combine data from key systems
  • Use existing metrics and dimensions
  • Transfer knowledge to your team
  • Iterate and expand to additional use cases

COVID-19 Tracking and Tracing

In just four weeks, enable your staff to access a one-stop-shop of trusted information for immediate action.

The Accelerator automates the delivery of data to create a governed data model that is both easily expandable and capable of self-service.

Sepsis Analytics

Easily track compliance with Sepsis Care Protocols and other key outcome measures to understand performance and take action.

This dashboard automatically delivers everything your team will need to improve outcomes at your organization, with key performance indicators like LOS, readmissions, time zero, and bundle compliance.

Imaging & Radiology

Unify data and view performance of key specialty areas across the organization, by location or department, and down to the individual provider and encounter.

Make monitoring performance and productivity easy and actionable and experience:
  • 15% increase in productivity by improving low-performing areas
  • 20% reduction in turn-around-times
  • 100% ROI in year 1


Manage risk with full self-service analytics pull together medication, timing, complication, diagnosis, and follow-up data for a one-stop-shop dashboard.

Deliver provider scorecards with blinded benchmarks without having to create any new visualizations.

  • Identify trends with early elective deliveries
  • View key timing events around skin-to-skin
  • Review complications and antenatal steroid use

Emergency Medicine

Understand KPIs for one of the busiest places in your organization – the ED. The ED is one of the busiest places in any healthcare organization. Maximize capability with this one-stop-shop of ED information across your organization.

We’ve compiled more than 130 best practices from our 90+ customer into this Accelerator, enabling you to rapidly see ROI like:

  • $500,000 in preventable supply costs recovered
  • 80 static, disparate reports become self-service analytics
  • 2,300 hours saved, annually, by automating pipelines

Nursing Scorecard

Understand how your nurses are performing with crucial metrics like:

  • Clinical information from the EHR
  • Patient satisfaction data
  • Quality measures and benchmarks
  • Patient and encounter level details

The result? Less burnout and happier providers.

Physician Scorecard

Access a one-stop-shop for quality, satisfaction, and productivity/financial analytics.

View and compare performance across groups, specialties, providers, and more, to find high-performers and target areas for improvement.

Case studies

Prominence Accelerators

Prominence’s Accelerators are pre-built, customizable analytics dashboards that maximize your existing investments in technology and people. The Accelerators leverage data from any source, automate data delivery, and enhance governance without creating untenable maintenance.

  • Deliver actionable, governed analytics 4x faster, saving 9 months on average, with the Prominence Platform
  • Eliminate 80% of time required to deploy new analytics solutions (800 hours, on average)
  • Reduce time required from SMEs by 70% using pre-built content and proven processes (300 hours, on average)
  • Don’t recreate the wheel – Prominence’s Accelerators can compliment / enhance your existing analytics or EDW
  • Automate data pipelines from source systems and leverage real-time data from Epic, Cerner and other mission critical systems.
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